Monday, 25 May 2015

1]"The Prophet's Prayer" by Dr Muhammad Salah-2]Rafa Ul Yadain in Salaah (Raising the Hands in Salaah)


Allah, the Almighty, says:
"You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example." [Al-Qur'an 33:21]
Prophet's(D:) Manner of Performing Prayers-log on:-
And the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, "Perform your prayer in the same manner as you had seen me doing."


There is not an single hadith which says the difference in salah between men and women. The Prophet (pbuh) said, 'Pray as you have seen me praying' (Sahih Bukhari Book 1 Vol 1, Hadith 604-log on-
"The Prophet's Prayer" is a complete video that shows the exact and the most correct way of offering Salah explained by Dr Muhammad Salah from Quran and Authentic Sunnah.

The topics covered are Importance of Salah, Simulation of Salah, Requirements that make a prayer valid, common errors in Salah, how to develop khushu in salah and concept of future & hope for Islam.

Prophet (pbuh) said ...Pray as you have seen me praying.. (Sahih Bukhari Book 1 Vol 1, Hadith 604). It is very important that we offer salah in the authentic and correct manner as it is one of the biggest forms of Ibaadah in Islam. We cannot afford to lose points on Salah just because our parents or our people taught it in the wrong way. 

Therefore, turn back to Quran and authentic Sunnah and grasp the evidence being given to you and shun the way for which no evidence was ever provided to us. 

This video is a full version and a production of Huda TV. We are great full to Huda TV for producing such a master piece. All the 13 episodes have been clubbed together for you in this video.(video-।[]
Rafa Ul Yadain in Salaah (Raising the Hands in Salaah)ঃ-

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